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    【Based on comic books】The Cream Lemon Video Series based on the popular manga of the same title, focusing on the forbidden love between brothers and sisters. 5th Title Are you my brother.Ami, raised in China, is a high school student who practices Chinese martial arts and swimming. She comes back to Japan because of her mother's remarriage. Hiroshi, a careless college student, likes to take women’s pictures secretly. Hiroshi goes to a girls swimming pool locker room to take photos with his friend, Takimoto. When he gets home, Hiroshi sees Ami whom he saw at the locker room. Ami's mother and Hiroshi's father gets married and they go on a honeymoon, leaving the two alone in the house. Whenever Hiroshi tries to get near Ami, her martial arts prevents him but gradually they become closer…


    • 8.4 正片 名侦探柯南:瞳孔中的暗杀者 茶风林,千叶一伸,百百麻子,江川央生,深见梨加,林原惠美,井上和彦,岩居由希子,神谷明,加濑康之,小池亚希子,松井菜樱子,森川智之,长嶝高士,中田浩二,绪方贤一,大原沙耶香,大谷育江,斋贺光希,盐泽兼人,高木涉,高岛雅罗,高山南,山口胜平,山崎和佳奈,山野井仁,汤屋敦子
    • 9.0 HD 百合的雨声 小宫一叶,葉月,花澄
    • 正片 百变狸猫 古今亭朝太時代,三木纪平,清川虹子,野野村真,石田百合子,泉谷茂,芦屋雁之助,村田雄浩
    • 更新至HD 哈吉梅特诺凯肯 3 日本
    • 6.8 正片 航海王:红发歌姬 田中真弓,中井和哉,冈村明美,山口胜平,平田广明,大谷育江,山口由里子,矢尾一树,长岛雄一,宝龟克寿,名冢佳织,津田健次郎,池田秀一,神谷浩史,高户靖广,水岛裕,森久保祥太郎,土井美加,永野广一,小山茉美,杉田智和,内田夕夜,三田友子,木村雅史,立木文彦,泽木郁也,置鲇龙太郎,太田真一郎,关智一,佐佐木诚二,进藤尚美,梶裕贵,桑岛法子,上田丽奈,渡边久美子,大本真基子,茶风林,野田圭一,绪方贤一,园部启一,平野正人,增谷康纪,麻生智久,松田健一郎,桥诘知久,矢野正明,猪股慧士,照井春佳,高桥花林,大和田仁
    • 更新至HD 狂喜之宴 丹-奥尼洛库已婚妇女 日本

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